Salmon, Coho
Oncorhynchus kisutch
Coho or silver salmon
Coho or silver salmon
Saumon argenté
Salmone argentato
Salmón coho
Of all the Pacific salmon, the coho looks most like the Atlantic salmon. A sure way to tell the difference is by counting the anal fin’s rays (the hard, bone-like parts). Pacific salmon have 13 to 19 rays; Atlantics have 10 or fewer. Coho is also known as silver salmon, medium-red salmon (a canners’ term), Hoopid salmon, white salmon, blush salmon, silversides and jack salmon, though “jack” applies to all immature male salmon. Coho salmon are found on both sides of the Pacific, from southern California to Alaska, and from Russia to Japan. Alaska dominates global harvests of wild coho salmon, which are the backbone of Alaska’s salmon troll fishery, though some fish are taken by gillnets and seines. Cohos are also farmed in floating pens in Chile and Japan. Smaller than chinooks and larger than chum or sockeyes, market-size cohos average 4 to 12 pounds. Hatchery-raised fish are often smaller, running 2 to 3 pounds apiece.
The coho’s size, relatively high fat content and excellent color retention make it a desirable fish. Pan-sized coho have a delicate flavor. Fillets from larger fish have an excellent, mild salmon taste but are more flavorful than chum. The flesh of wild coho appears soft but becomes firm when cooked.Reddish-orange coho meat is moderately fatty and flakes well. The flesh is usually pinker than that of chum but paler than chinook or sockeye. Since most coho are troll caught, avoid fish with signs of bruising.
Calories: | 146 |
Fat Calories: | 53 |
Total Fat: | 5.9 g |
Saturated Fat: | 1.3 g |
Cholesterol: | 45 mg |
Sodium: | 46 mg |
Protein: | 21.6 g |
Omega 3: | 1.3 g |
Coho’s oil content makes it ideal for grilling. Baste with marinade, cover and cook until salmon is opaque through and flakes readily. Cohos are also good smoked and are favored by European smokers.
Other salmon, Rainbow trout