







Melanogrammus aeglefinus


Haddock, scrod haddock, finnan haddie







A premium whitefish, haddock is a member of the cod family, though smaller than Atlantic cod, generally weighing 2 to 5 pounds. The haddock bears a distinguishing black mark, often referred to as the “devil’s thumbprint” or “St. Peter’s mark,” in the “shoulder” area, and its skin is less mottled than the cod’s. The term “scrod” is used to describe head-on, gutted haddock between 1 1/2 and 2 pounds. Haddock under 1 1/2 pounds are referred to as “snapper haddock,” and 2 1/2 pounds and up are “large.” Haddock is found on both sides of the North Atlantic. Highest concentrations on the U.S./Canada coast occur on Georges Bank and in the Gulf of Maine. Haddock is also found throughout northern Europe, where it is revered for fish and chips and as a cold-smoked product — the famous finnan haddie invented in Scotland over a century ago. Haddock are taken by longlines and trawl nets.


Haddock’s delicate flake and slightly sweet taste give it a wonderful, melt-in-the-mouth appeal. The lean meat has a firm yet tender texture, and the flake is finer than cod.The raw meat is white and cooks up even whiter. The flesh should be firm and resilient. A thin layer of connective tissue covering the flesh helps differentiate it from cod.


Calories: 87
Fat Calories: 6.5
Total Fat: 0.7 g
Saturated Fat: 0.1 g
Cholesterol: 57 mg
Sodium: 68 mg
Protein: 18.9 g
Omega 3: 0.2 g


The same recipes that work for cod are good for the versatile haddock. Smaller haddock fillets are easily sautéed, while all haddock is good in soups and stews. Haddock is good poached and excellent for pan frying, as the meat holds together better than cod or pollock. Haddock frames are good for stock. Smoked haddock, or ”finnan haddie,” is one of the most popular variations.


Cod, Hake, Grouper