AquaBounty’s fight for GM farmed salmon
After more than two decades of waiting, AquaBounty today announced FDA approval for the sale of the company’s AquAdvantage salmon in the United States. The salmon, which reaches market size in less time than conventional farmed Atlantic salmon thanks to genetic enhancing, is being touted as a “game changer that brings healthy and nutritious food to consumers in an environmentally responsible manner without damaging the ocean and other marine habitats,” said AquaBounty CEO Ronald Stotish.
Reactions are varied today within the industry, as Twitter users speculate as to how consumers will react to the sale of the salmon. Ongoing polls and comments to the SeafoodSource Twitter page reveal that although many see the news as bad, they believe consumers will eventually opt for the GM salmon — if the price is right.
AquaBounty’s fight for its GM salmon has been longstanding, and with that fight has come our varied coverage on the site. Here, we take a look back through the past year to the events leading up to the approved sale of AquAdvantage salmon in the U.S.
“AquaBounty’s Fight for GM Farmed Salmon: A SeafoodSource History.” – N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
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